Fairshore Noosa Resort
- damaged grease trap
- Fairshore Noosa Resort was having complaints regarding a smelly grease trap located in the basement carpark
- on inspection the grease trap revealed a breakdown in the concrete walls allowing smells to enter the carpark
- replacement of 2,000lt grease trap was nearly impossible as it was located in a single vehicle lane way
- carpark was unable to shut down as it was only access for service and products within the resort
- Seasons Restaurant required to stay open during peak holiday season, which was connected to the grease trap
- carpark was busy thoroughfare to beach so safety was a priority
- vehicle access to grease trap was difficult for both cleaning and waste removal.
- grease trap was cleaned and waste removed early morning before restaurant and resort opened
- a temporary bypass was installed to allow restaurant to continue operating during repair
- rebuilding of grease trap wall was completed using local rendering contractor. Once that was completed a sealing coat was applied
- new baffles and connections were installed
- grease trap was recommissioned within four days
- completed project under time and budget saving the resort thousands of dollars on replacement and extending the grease trap life by 10 years.
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